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Brett Abele joined Energy Smart Colorado in August 2024 as a Department of Energy Community Energy Fellow. Brett earned a B.S. in Biological Engineering from Penn State and began his career working for World Hope International, bringing affordable greenhouses to farmers in Mozambique and managing disaster relief programs in the Caribbean. During this time, he developed a deep interest in solar energy and moved to Colorado to work for Green Electrical Solutions in Basalt, gaining experience in designing and installing PV systems for residential and commercial buildings.

Brett looks forward to advancing his career in the energy field through involvement in electrification initiatives throughout Western Colorado. He will be assisting ESC with program development and project management in support of the organization’s progress toward its EECBG goals. He will also support ESC’s partner organizations with leadership, outreach, energy savings, modeling, and reporting.

Outside of work, Brett strives to spend as much time in the mountains as possible, biking, fishing, and snowboarding.
