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Interesting in learning about your building’s energy use?

Several Energy Smart Colorado Partners provide energy advising for businesses in their communities.

While each community’s program differs, a business visit will typically entail

  • A walk-through of your business with one of our team members
  • A review of your business’ lighting
  • A brief evaluation of your equipment and mechanical systems and their respective energy use
  • A report recommending the first steps to take to start saving energy and money on your utility bills
  • A plan of action to improve your building’s operating systems and reduce its energy consumption
  • Assistance with community and utility rebates

Check with your local Energy Smart Partner to determine the services offered to businesses in your community.

“When we looked at the annual savings by changing to efficient bulbs, it made perfect sense to complete the project. Not only would my lighting be immensely better, but the project would pay for itself before the end of my lease.”

— Michelle Flickinger, Owner Wild & Free


Rebates may be available from both Energy Smart Colorado and your utility providers to help pay for a technical audit with a contractor of your choosing.

Site Visits

While a site visit from an Energy Smart team member is a great starting point, an ASHRAE Level I or Level II Energy Audit may be recommended for large or mechanically complex buildings.